This tutorial will show you how to monitor your ORS and access radio / core networks logs (and more) on the Rapid.Space panel.
Monitoring the ORS will enable you to troubleshoot why your services are red, and accessing the logs can help you troubleshoot phone connection issues.
To investigate potential errors with the services or to get statistics you can use our monitoring app. Please go to your service page (by clicking on the service in the service section) and find the "monitor-setup-url" connection parameter, as shown on the screenshot. If the parameter is not present, please wait for 20 minutes after starting the service.
Please wait and do not click any of the buttons until everything is synchronised, it might take a minute. The monitoring app is a javascript offline app, so it needs to downloads and all the data from your ORS on your machine locally.
If you get an error about the OPLM URL then it means the monitoring system is not working, please contact us by creating a ticket. Note that even without the monitoring system your ORS radio and core network might still be working correctly.
Once synchronisation finishes, the Monitor will load and display the list of Promises for your hosting subscriptions.
Before we get into the promise list, let's have a look at the App. The Monitor has a multiple-functions side panel:
For instance you can click on "Software Instances" and then on the enb instance to get statistics regarding eNB.
Here you can see the monitor page for the enb instance. On this page you can see the list of promises for this instance. Each promises checks a specific part of the instance is working correctly. Promises will appear orange or red if they are failing, which can help you investigate why your ORS is not working properly. Promises will also give you useful data.
Promises in Rapid.Space are executables doing arbitrary tasks and exiting with exit code 0 ("it works") or greater ("it doesn't work"). Everything in Rapid.Space is based on such Promises in order to automate the management of a Rapid.Space network. In case a Promise fails (eg. a computer not responding), a ticket will be created on the Rapid.Space Master in order for a user to follow up with this failing promise (more info in Understanding SlapOS Promises).
There are 3 statuses for the promise status: error, warning and OK. An error indicates that the promise has failed, a warning indicates that the Monitor App is having trouble retrieving the promise status (e.g. the server is offline), and OK indicates that the promise is functioning properly.
Here is a thorough explanation about some promises in Error, especially for the case of RUs:
Promise source code:
Common causes: Netconf connection lost; cu_config.xml is improperly configured (e.g., setting out-of-range frequencies).
Solution: Refer to the related RU*-config.log (see "Access ORS log" section) in the private log to debug the causes. If the logs indicate a connection loss, check for CPRI locks and ensure the RU gets an IPv6 address from the BBU. If the edit-config RPC request is unsuccessful, adjust the user input on the panel accordingly. If you need further assistance, contact the Rapid.Space Team.
Promise source code:
Common causes: Hardware issues (e.g., disconnected hardware, unplugged cables, RU powered off); software issues (e.g., failed frame synchronization).
Solution: If "HW Lock is missing", check the physical connection between the RU and BBU. If "SW Lock is missing", which rarely happens, it indicates frame loss. Contact Rapid.Space for assistance.
Promise source code: Unavailable
Common causes: The RU is running unverified firmware.
Solution: Provide the correct SSH key to the RU to enable firmware download and upgrade from the BBU.
Promise source code:
Common causes: Loss of frame.
Solution: Follow the same steps as for RU*_cpri_lock when "SW Lock is missing".
Promise source code: Unavailable
Common causes: Netconf connection lost.
Solution: Check for CPRI locks and ensure the RU gets an IPv6 address from the BBU.
Promise source code: Unavailable
Common causes: Netconf connection lost; the RU is not listening for Netconf.
Solution: Check for CPRI locks and ensure the RU gets an IPv6 address from the BBU.
Promise source code:
Common causes: RU's PA over current.
Solution: Contact Rapid.Space support.
Promise source code:
Common causes: RU's PA Over Output Power.
Solution: Contact Rapid.Space support.
Promise source code:
Common causes: RU's RSSI imbalance; RX diversity lost.
Solution: Contact Rapid.Space support.
Promise source code:
Common causes: RU's RX antennas saturated.
Solution: Contact Rapid.Space support.
Promise source code:
Common causes: ENB doesn't properly use the CPRI card.
Solution: Refer to the related enb-output.log (see "Access ORS log" section) in the private log to debug the causes. Possible issues include uninitialized trx_sdr kernel, CPRI card in use by another process, incorrect SPF port, or missing license to launch LTEENB. Contact Rapid.Space for assistance if needed.
Promise source code:
Common causes: Netconf connection lost; subscription for notification from RU failed.
Solution: Refer to the related RU*-stats.log (see "Access ORS log" section) in the private log to debug the causes. Check for CPRI locks and ensure the RU gets an IPv6 address from the BBU. Contact Rapid.Space for further assistance if needed.
Promise source code:
Common causes: Similar to RU*_cpri_lock.
Solution: Similar to RU*_cpri_lock.
Promise source code:
Common causes: RU's VSWR alarm.
Solution: Ensure antennas are connected. Try rebooting the RU to clear the alarm. Contact Lopcomm for help if necessary.
Promise source code:
Common causes: ENB doesn't properly use the CPRI card.
Solution: Refer to the related enb-output.log (see "Access ORS log" section) in the private log to debug the causes. Potential issues include uninitialized trx_sdr kernel, CPRI card in use by another process, incorrect SPF port, or missing license to launch LTEENB. Contact Rapid.Space for assistance if needed.
Promise source code: Unavailable
Common causes: Fault in the software's buildout.
Solution: Contact Rapid.Space for a patch.
Promise source code:
Common causes: Insufficient processing time for LTEENB due to other processes consuming too much CPU on the server (ORS/BBU).
Solution: If you have access to the server, identify and resolve the disturbing process. Otherwise, contact Rapid.Space for help.
Promise source code: Unavailable
Common causes: monitor-setup-url with username and password cannot be accessed.
Solution: Ensure the server is online. Contact Rapid.Space for assistance.
Promise source code:
Common causes: Fault in the software or request parameters.
Solution: Contact Rapid.Space for help.
Promise source code: Unavailable
Common causes: sshd on BBU for RU to download the firmware is unavailable.
Solution: Contact Rapid.Space for help.
Promise source code: Unavailable
Common causes: Server's IPv6 is not accessible.
Solution: Check the server's connection.
Promise source code: Unavailable
Common causes: Monitor frontend URL is not ready.
Solution: Check the frontend server.
Health instance checks the computer health (CPU, memory, internet connection, etc.)
Promise source code:
Common causes: CPU temperature too high.
Solution: Check the device's environment.
Promise source code:
Common causes: CPU overload.
Solution: Check running processes on the server.
Promise source code:
Common causes: Insufficient disk space on the server.
Solution: If you have access to the server, free up some space. Otherwise, contact Rapid.Space for help.
Promise source code:
Common causes: Network packet loss.
Solution: Check the server's connection.
Promise source code: Unavailable
Common causes: Server's IPv6 is not accessible.
Solution: Check the server's partition Usage. Contact Rapid.Space for help.
Promise source code:
Common causes: High RAM usage.
Solution: Check the server's RAM usage. Contact Rapid.Space for help.
Promise source code: Unavailable
Common causes: Re6stnet certificate expired.
Solution: Contact Rapid.Space for help.
Promise source code:
Common causes: Network congestion.
Solution: Check the server's connection. Contact Rapid.Space for help if needed.
Promise source code: Unavailable
Common causes: Same as check_free_disk_space.
Solution: Same as check_free_disk_space.
Please click on the "access private files" link to access the ORS logs.
Next you can go the log folder.
Here are some useful entries from the log folder:
To learn how to interpret the logs, please refer to How To Interpret ORS Logs.
After navigating to the monitor folder and then the promise folder, you will find logs from the promises. For instance, the "check-rx-saturated" JSON log will contain data about the RF levels from the RX antennas, which can be used to adjust rx_gain.
The sample values should ideally be below -10, if they are too high then the reception will be saturated which can prevent the ORS from correctly receiving radio.